South Entrance
Upper South Road
Ravine view
Communal pool at night
South entrance roundabout
Communal Pool
Ravine view
Southern view over the 7th hole
Upper South Road
Communal pool
Communal pool at night
North Road
Communal pool at dusk
Southern View
Aphrodite Hills entrance view
Communal pool at night
Communal pool at dusk
Communal pool
Communal pool at night
Communal pool at night
Communal pool at dusk
Communal pool at dusk
Communal pool at dusk
Communal pool
Communal pool at dusk
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Adonis Village: Request for External Change – E2

A request is made by the owners of E2 for an external change to their property In line with the agreed Adonis Village procedure.

The owners wish to add a boundary fence to the rear of the property, overlooking the road, which will give them greater security & privacy.

This will in effect match the fences that already exist on either side of their property.

The owners confirm that their fence will be a similar design and the same colour as the existing fences on either side.

E2 Fence

AV Management Committee                  (25/4/17) 

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